Blockchain Technology

As creatures of habit, we have been accustomed to the old and outdated practice of manually doing transactions which, admittedly or not, are time-consuming, prone to human errors and naturally result to inefficient, rigid, redundant and costly red-tape, and inevitably spawns corruption.

With advances in technology, the heightened need for a hassle-free, secure way to manage our personal data pertinent to everyone’s day-to-day lives is undeniable and has dramatically shifted to urgent levels.

Comes in Signatura as it answers this need and with Blockchain 1KS, an innovative technology that provides seamless and secure access to any online services. The Blockchain 1KS technology is a shared electronic ledger using cryptography which means data can neither be altered nor tampered. It is time-stamped, decentralized and sovereign, ensuring that every online (or electronic) transaction is secure, safe, completely transparent, and more importantly, diminishes the fears and anxieties among the network of users.

Our Partners

Working jointly with others is a win-win action. We embrace our collaboration with reputable industry partners for this will not only help us deliver cutting-edge business solutions to our clients but will also open doors and bring us opportunities that will expand our network, driving us to do more inspiring work, fostering security and utmost convenience in everyone’s daily lives.